sobota, 1 sierpnia 2015

What is left after the project...

is sweeeeet memories...

muscles a bit bigger than before from trekking

a couple of new recipes to try out at in the kitchen

and some gifts.... if you were lucky 


When the majority of u were already in the air ...

Or on a bus... :) we had the time to discuss the project and do some brainstorming after your evaluation with Stefan. 
Thank you all for the positive and negative opinions :) 

So below you can see how you in general rated the project and the message from satisfied Stefan... he is... isn't he?

hi again! together with Monika we have just finished to analyze your evaluation questionnaires and we are very satisfied! we have learned some ideas for improvement, we know what you liked best and we very much value all your opinions so thanks again for taking this time to evaluate our exchange! i have calculated all your quantitative marks and as a conclusion i would like to say i'm very proud that the average mark for overall organisation was exactly 8,5 which i think is a very good score! THANKS one more time and feel invited to our projects again!
At the end of the project...

It was really sad to leave. We were positively tired and after the workshops and having spent some time together with new ideas about the job and looking for a job.

The evaluation summing up what he did during the project revealed how many things we actually discussed and thought about even though it felt more like fun.

We learned and shared the experience about where to look for a job, we understood the power of social media nowadays when applying for a new position, we worked on our autopresentation skills, did movies about job interviews and observed our body language on those movies, see also some DOs and DON'Ts in such a situation. We also had a workshop with a psychologist making us aware of the importance of the non-verbal communication. The fun part was a test showing what ind of people we are and what kind of job is good for us.

All in all, a lot of fun, a lot of learn and strong energy to move forward.

And time to go home...

Business Party

One of the important events that took place during the even was mentioned before Business Party - it was kind of workshop which ended in a cool party.

We all got new personalities and we were put among other business people to do networking and do some business.

It was also great because all the people were really suited up and thanks to that we really felt the atmosphere.

The next day in the morning we talked about the results and who was a successfulm businessman and woman.

Below you can see what kind of information we got:


YOU ARE: Google Business Development Director
YOU HAVE: The decisive responsibility regarding BD in Google
YOU WANT: A new contract with Apple, you will only talk to the Apple BD Director  
YOU NEED: negotiate 10% lower price for the contract

YOU CAN’T: go lower than 8% 
